The amazing story of when Srila Govinda Maharaj lost his ornament in the Ganges and after praying to Mother Ganges, the ornament was returned to him. “Still I cannot believe what happened and which way it happened.” Read Article…
The amazing story of when Srila Govinda Maharaj lost his ornament in the Ganges and after praying to Mother Ganges, the ornament was returned to him. “Still I cannot believe what happened and which way it happened.” Read Article…
The following is an excerpt from Revealed Truth, the latest book published by Sripad Tyagi Maharaj on Srila Govinda Maharaj’s lectures. <em><a href=”http://www.sevaashram.net/3833/govinda-maharaj-pranam-mantra/” target=”_blank”>Read article…</a></em>
All those who came in contact with Srila Gurudev, Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev Goswami Maharaj, across the world or at home in India, could clearly see his magnanimity, his beauty and his kindness. To try and describe his charm and affection feels like, how Sri Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami said in the <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita</span>, a dwarf trying to touch the moon. <em><a href=”www.sevaashram.net/3578/my-masters-voice/” target=”_blank”>Read article…</a></em>
Dear devotees, friends and seekers,
December 30, 2012
10 am in Santa Cruz
5:30 pm in San Jose
If you would like to write an offering for Srila Gurudev for this special day, please send it as soon as possible through the Gaudiya Darshan website or to:
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Sri Govardhan-puja Lecture by Srila Govinda Maharaj in Soquel
His Divine Grace’s lecture on Sri Govardhan-puja at the Soquel Seva Ashram in Santa Cruz, California. He shares a little about the exalted position of Sri Govardhan, as well as a description of the wealth of Krishna consciousness. (2007)
Video prepared by Vaidehi Devi Dasi
Sri Govardhan Puja Lecture by Srila Govinda Maharaj from Vaidehi on Vimeo.
The devotees gathered at the Pushpa Samadhi of Srila Govinda Maharaj in Soquel California on the second anniversary of the disappearance of Srila Govinda Maharaj. Srila Janardan Maharaj returned from India to lead the program and his beautiful words helped soothe the hearts of everyone. Here are some photographs taken by Jatindra Mohan Prabhu.
Srila Govinda Maharaj came to California 10 times between 1992 and 2007. He would describe his trips as coming to visit with his friends and their families. However, for us it was so much more than that. His association changed our lives and revitalized Krishna Consciousness for thousands of devotees around the world.
In 1992 he requested that we purchase a center, since previously we had been renting the building at 17th Street in San Jose, where Jayanta Krishna Prabhu and Braja Mohini Devi now live. Yudhamanyu Prabhu Seva Vikram organized the collections to fulfill Gurudev’s request and in September 1993 on the auspicious day of Sri Radhastami, we received the deed to the property that would become the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram in Soquel, California. Here is a selection of photographs from Sanatani Devi’s vast collection from those early years.
Hasyapriya das
Srila Govinda Maharaj explains to the devotees who have come from all over the world, the importance of practicing spiritual life with love & affection and how harmful enviousness will be for the sincere devotee.
MaharajRaghunatha Dasa Goswami has said,
“In the absence of my Gurudeva, Govardhana hill, the representation of Krishna Himself, seems to me just like a big python coming to devour me. And Radha-kunda, the holiest place of divinity of the Gaudiya-sampradaya, seems like a tiger’s mouth coming to devour me. They are giving me so much excitement in the absence of my Gurudeva, my dearest and highest spiritual guardian. My Gurudeva, who has the most intense affection for me, is not here? How can it be? Everything is void. All has vanished with his departure.”
Such a deep sense of separation will come in the heart of a sincere disciple.
Once, one of your devotees said in his lecture that separation is the highest realization. I was very happy to hear from his lips that separation (vipralambha) is the highest attainment. Without separation, nothing else can come to us. The anticipation of meeting Krishna will appear to us as vipralambha, so vipralambha is the most auspicious thing pertaining to Krishna consciousness. And we can have Krishna’s connection also in that separation. So, the safest and most fearless position is vipralambha. If we can stand firm and retain the memory of Gurudeva in his separation, then we will have passed the highest test.
-Sri Guru and His Grace
Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj
We humbly invite you to come give honor and remembrance to our dearest Gurudev, Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj on the anniversary of his departure. The pain of separation still hangs over us but in each other’s association we can remember his wonderful activities, glorious qualities, and how his affectionate mood touched all of us.
It is said that the guru is more near and dear to us than God Himself. God has many things to deal with, but guru is concerned only with our welfare. In this way our lives have been forever changed by the auspicious association of such a great Vaishnava Acharya as Srila Govinda Maharaj. We will be very grateful for your association on this important occasion.
Srila Janardan Maharaj returns from India soon and will lead the program in Santa Cruz, which will start at 10 am at Srila Gurudev’s Pushpa Samadhi. Although that will be the main program in Santa Cruz, we will gather again at 5:30 pm in the temple for kirtan and additional discourse of Gurudev’s glories. The program in San Jose will start at 5:30 pm.
Hasyapriya das
Here is a collection of wonderful photos of Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj from around the world including many taken at the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram in Soquel, California.