120603 Even liberated souls are attracted to Krishna.mp3 (46 minutes, 10.7 MB)
In this wonderful Sunday Feast lecture, Srila Janardan Maharaj tells many stories from the Srimad Bhagavatam to explain the famous atmarama verse. The verse is generally understood to mean that even liberated souls are attracted to Sri Krishna but in Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita, Lord Chaitanya explains the verse in myriad ways to show that everyone is attracted to Sri Krishna, even bees and birds. Janardan Maharaj tells the stories of Sukadev Goswami, the four Kumaras, Mrigrari the hunter, and a story from his experience with Srila Prabhupad involving a bee. In the last part of this lecture Maharaj compares the Krishna conception of Godhead to other conceptions of God.