This past winter Braja Mohini Didi hosted a class for the young devotees of our community with Vishakha Didi. These pictures were taken by Braja Mohini Didi.
This past winter Braja Mohini Didi hosted a class for the young devotees of our community with Vishakha Didi. These pictures were taken by Braja Mohini Didi.
Here are some pictures from the Thanksgiving day lunch at the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram in Soquel, California. We were very thankful this year to have the association of Madhusudan Maharaj.
An unbelievable feast was prepared for the Deities and Their prasadam was welcome by everyone!
Tofu turkey, gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, fresh cranberry salsa, candied yams, green beans with slivered almonds, cream corn, raspberry trifle, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, buttered rolls and Martinelli apple cider!
Pictures provided by Krsnapriya Didi.
Here are some pictures from the Christmas lunch at the Ashram. This year many devotees participated in cooking and preparing a prep for the opulent feast. We also had our own Mrs. Clause at the temple with Sureshwari didi who gave out presents to all the devotees!
Pictures provided by Swarnangii didi.
Another successful kids camp has come and gone. Under the affectionate guidance of Srila Bhakti Pavan Janardan Maharaj and with Braja Mohini didi facilitating the event everything went smoothly. Here is the last installment of pictures from the four day festival at the Ashram commencing on the Grand Appearance Day Festival of Lord Balaram. We are looking forward to another kids camp festival next summer.
Here are more pictures from the annual kids camp held each summer at the Seva Ashram. This past summer Braja Mohini didi, along with the help of many devotees, facilitated the camp.
This past summer we had another auspicious gathering of vaisnava families coming to the Ashram for the annual kids camp. Braja Mohini Devi Dasi graciously facilitated the four day camp festivities. Of course many devotees stepped up to offer their knowledge and expertise for the benefit of all the children (and adults!) involved. All of this was possible under the affectionate guidance of our beloved Srila Bhakti Pavan Janardan Maharaj. A huge thank you to all who participated!
Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to nourish all the fruit trees at the orchard nourishment work party on July 4th and 5th. And a special appreciation for those devotees who came back the second day, including Dinartihara Prabhu who is not shown in the photos below but has been working hard.
Special thanks as well to the cooks who prepared a feast for a couple dozen people including two different kinds of coleslaw, corn of the cob, vegetarian Bhima burgers, ice cream sandwiches, fries, and more!
An excerpt from Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita about the pastimes of cleansing the Gundicha Temple, Madhya Lila 12.
“Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu washed and cleansed the Gundica temple with His devotees and associates. In this way He made the temple as cool and bright as His own heart, and thus He made the place befitting for Lord Sri Krishna to sit.”
Here at the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram in Soquel California, the devotees enthusiastically joined in to clean the Lord’s temple…
The Bhakti Yoga Club meets every Wednesday at Cabrillo College. Braja Mohini Devi organizes this weekly sankirtan program with many of the other devotees helping. They distribute prasadam, chant, read, and speak informally to the students, many of whom have visited our Ashram for the Sunday Feast program.
Hemant Prabhu has been helping our Seva Ashram for many years. With Sureshwari Devi’s encouragement, he and his family invited Srila Janardan Maharaj and all the devotee to his home for an evening of Kirtan, Krishna Katha and Prasadam.
The devotees under the guidance of Yudhamanyu Prabhu Seva Vikram celebrated the festival of Sri Ram Navami in Chongqing, China. Our Sita Devi in Chongqing, took the story of Lord Ram that was published on our website, translated it and narrated the story in Chinese to all the assembled devotees and guests.
Here are a few short video clips of the program…
The Story of Lord Ram part 1 (in Chinese) 5 min
The Story of Lord Ram part 2 (in Chinese) 5 min
Click here for the story of Lord Ram from our website in English…