Please join us!
The Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram’s 13th annual Children’s Summer Camp is here. It will begin Thursday, June 18th and go until Sunday, June 21st.
Under the auspicious guidance of Srila Bhakti Pavan Janardan Maharaj we humbly invite you and your family to attend this spiritual and fun filled event.
This year’s camp leaders are Radhika and Sada Sundari Devi Dasis.
A disciple of Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Maharaj, Radhika has been involved at the Seva Ashram since she was a child. She now has her Master’s in Education and may be found at the temple every Sunday cooking for the Sunday feast. The children and adults who attended her last Children’s Summer Camp said it was the most fun they ever had.
Sada Sundari Devi Dasi has been here at the Seva Ashram for just over a year. She is a disciple of Srila Bhakti Pavan Janardan Maharaj. She brings lots of joy and enthusiasm to whatever service she engages in. She loves to work with children.
Camp costs:
We are asking for a $50.00 donation fee per child/adult to cover all costs. You may submit your donations in the following ways:
1) Via PayPal at: http://www.sevaashram.net/donate/
2) From the drop down menu choose other and type in camp.
3) You may also give your donation on the first day of camp.
A sliding scale is available–just let us know.
Accommodations and other information:
Camping is available and encouraged. Please bring your own tent, bedding and a flashlight.
A few beds in the women’s or men’s quarters are available primarily for adults. Contact KrsnaPriya Devi Dasi at kpdd8@yahoo.com to reserve a bed.
Camp contact info:
For information, to sign-up or to volunteer please e-mail Radhika Devi Dasi at radhikirk@yahoo.com or call 831-566-5419.
Please let her know of your participation by June 5, 2015 so we can co-ordinate classes and meals accordingly.
Don’t have kids? Please join in for the day anyway. Lots of service is available and help is always needed and appreciated.
A schedule will be posted once we have an idea of how many children are participating.
We look forward to seeing you and your family here at the Seva Ashram Children’s Summer Camp 2015.
–KrsnaPriya Devi Dasi
Please join us for summer camp this July!
Please note the dates have changed to July 25-28.
Sign up now!
Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram invites you to our 11th annual Summer Kids Camp July 25-28. Under the auspicious guidance of Srila Bhakti Pavan Janardan Maharaj we humbly invite you and your family to attend this spiritually and fun filled event.
Camp Leader
Radhika Kirkman will head up the Kids Camp activities this year. Radhika Devi Dasi is the daughter of Sripad Bhakti Sharan Vaishnav Maharaj and Sanatani Devi Dasi. She has been a part of our community from birth. She has a Masters degree in Education, can be found every Sunday at the Seva Ashram cooking for the Sunday feast and is continually serving the Vaishnavas.
Camp costs
We are asking for a $50.00 donation fee per child to cover all costs. You may submit your donation in the following ways:
◆ Via PayPal at: http://sevaashram.com/donate/
From the drop down menu choose other and type in camp.
◆You may also give your donation on the first day of camp.
◆ A sliding scale is available, just let us know.
Accommodations and other information
Camping is available and encouraged. Please bring your own tent and bedding. A few beds are available . Please e-mail KrsnaPriya Devi Dasi for more details.* See e-mail address below. Please let us know of your participation by July 11, 2013 so we can coordinate classes and meals accordingly. Don’t have kids? Please join in for the day anyway. Lots of service is available and help is always needed and appreciated. The schedule will be posted by July 5, 2013.
Contact Information
Please contact KrsnaPriya dd at kpdd8@yahoo.com re: kid’s camp 2013 or call 831-462-2090 for more information and to volunteer. We look forward to seeing you and your family here at the Seva Ashram.
Want to see more? Click here to see pictures from last year’s camp
The last two days of camp were a blast! On Saturday we had a bake sale, learned the history of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, made puppets, and ended the day with a bonfire at the beach. Srila Bhakti Pavan Janardan Maharaj and Sripad Parvat Maharaj came to the bonfire and led everyone in chanting the Hare Krishna mahamantra.
Sunday we honored all the children at an awards ceremony during the Sunday Feast. Srila Janardan Maharaj gave each camper an award for their special skills and contributions to the camp. After the feast we headed to the archery range to shoot bows and arrows…a wonderful way to end another wonderful kids camp at the Soquel Seva Ashram.
Photos by: Bimala Devi Dasi (from Ecuador), Braja Mohini Devi Dasi, Murali Mohan Prabhu and Krsna Priya Devi Dasi
Here is the second of three photo galleries with pictures from the kids camp. The following photos are of Friday’s activities, including a discussion panel with Vidura Prabhu, Premananda Prabhu, Vaidehi Didi, and Devaki Didi, arts and crafts, tilak class with Narayani Didi and Damayanti Didi, harinam sankirtan led by Srila Janardan Maharaj on Pacific Avenue in downtown Santa Cruz, evening class led by Jairam Prabhu, and plenty of unplanned fun.
Photos by: Bimala Devi Dasi (from Ecuador), Braja Mohini Devi Dasi, Murali Mohan Prabhu and Krsna Priya Devi Dasi
Thanks to everyone who came to the Soquel kids camp. It was a huge success! Srila Janardan Maharaj was very happy with the program. Scroll down to the bottom of the photo gallery to see a list of thanks to everyone who helped.
This is the first of three photo galleries with pictures from the camp. The following photos are from Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday was Gundicha Marjana so devotees came to help clean the temple as well as set up camp and Thursday was our first full day of activities.
Photos by: Bimala Devi Dasi (from Ecuador), Braja Mohini Devi Dasi, Murali Mohan Prabhu and Krsna Priya Devi Dasi
The following personalities were a great help to the Soquel Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram Kids Camp in 2012:
Srila Janardan Maharaj for his affectionate guidance
Sripad Parvat Maharaj for collecting bhoga from the farmers’ market
Hasyapriya Prabhu for maintaining the temple
Swaranangii Devi Dasi for helping in the kitchen
Madhumati Devi Dasi for help in organizing the bonfire, puppet making class and archery activities
Braja Mohini Devi Dasi for jumping in wherever needed and taking kids collecting
Sureshswari Devi Dasi for all the afternoon snacks
Ramai Prabhu for Guru puja class
Rajani Devi Dasi for help in the kitchen
Vidya Sundar Prabhu for mridanga and kartals class
Murali Mohan Prabhu for helping in the kitchen, collecting bhoga and photography
Sushila Devi Dasi for helping with arts and crafts and taking kids collecting
Vaidehi Devi Dasi for talking about collecting and for taking kids collecting
Devaki Devi Dasi for the discussion panel and cookie class
Premananda Prabhu for the discussion panel and helping around the temple
Damayanti (Daya) Devi Dasi for the tilak class and helping wherever needed
Narayani Devi Dasi for tilak class and helping in the kitchen
Vrinda Devi Dasi for the “Origin of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math” class and help in the kitchen
Divya Shakti Devi Dasi for the temple etiquette class
Diksavati Devi Dasi & “Rainbow the Clown”!
Ratan Krishna Prabhu for cooking and making the best pizza ever
Vidura Krishna Prabhu for the discussion panel
Abha Devi Dasi for rolling and cooking hundreds of chapatis
Sangita Devi Dasi for help in the kitchen
Jairam Prabhu for reading during the evening program
Sarvabhavana Prabhu for reading during the evening program
Premanidhi Prabhu for biking to the temple everyday to wash mountains of pots and pans
Nevine Krishna Prabhu for baking hundreds of cookies for collecting
Para Devi Dasi for helping Nevine and for taking kids collecting
Kalindi Devi Dasi for cooking and serving out tasty preps
Revati Devi Dasi for help in the kitchen
Bimala Devi Dasi (from Ecuador) for help in the kitchen and photography
Mallika Devi Dasi for help in the kitchen
Shatrughna Prabhu for help in the kitchen
Krsna Bushan Prabhu for help around the temple
Laksmipriya Devi Dasi for helping to clean on Gundicha Marjana
Dear Friends,
We humbly invite you and your family to attend this spiritually fun filled event at the Soquel Ashram. Our theme this year will be Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s Ratha Yatra Pastimes. Camp begins on Gundicha Marjana day so please bring your cleaning clothes! Camping is available. Don’t have kids? Please join in anyway. Lots of service is available and help is always appreciated.
Please let us know of your participation by June 10th so we can coordinate classes and meals accordingly.
Our schedule this year includes:
We are asking for a $50 donation to cover all costs. Sliding scale is available. Send your camp donation via Paypal by clicking here: Donate.
Please contact me at kpdd8@yahoo.com Re: Kids Camp 2012.
Thank you,
Krsna Priya Devi Dasi
Browse pictures from last year’s camp: 2011 Kids Camp Photo Gallery.
Tulasi Devi
Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita class with Srila Janardan Maharaj