Sunday, April 5th Virtual program at 11 am ~ observe at home
If you would like to write an offering email it to Krsnapriya DD: krsnapriya@sevaashram.net
Dear Friend of the Ashram,
Due to the current shelter-in-place order the Santa Cruz Seva Ashram is closed. Temple residents need to be protected as well as anyone else so please refrain from visiting.
The Divine Disappearance Day of our dear Divine Master and Gurudev, Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj will be April 5th. Please observe this important day at home and tune in to the program on Facebook. If you would like to write an offering emails can be sent to krsnapriyadd@sevaashram.net.
Videos are on our Facebook page
(no login required)
The new vaishnava calendar is linked below.
Yours in the Lord’s service,
Sushila Devi Dasi
Vaishnava calendar:
Booklet format calendar for 2020-2021 version 2
Bookmark the calendar webpage