- The beautiful cover of Sri Sri Prapanna Jivanamritam by Srila Sridhar Maharaj
March 19, 2012
For many years Vidura Krishna Prabhu led a popular weekly youth class. Now he has resumed leading one of the evening programs; however, the new class it is not only for young people. It has a new theme. Every week he covers a chapter of Sri Sri Prapanna Jivanamritam, which is a very special book full of scriptural quotations about the six limbs of surrender. Everyone in the class is memorizing the six limbs of surrender (acceptance of the favorable, rejection of the unfavorable, full confidence in the Lord’s protection, embracing the Lord’s guardianship, full self-surrender and surrender in humility) and takes turns reading some verses. Vidura Krishna Prabhu shares insightful comments that he has heard from our guru varga about the verses and their themes. After this book is finished he says the class will read Sri Sikshastakam (Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s eight prayers) and then the ten offenses to the Holy Name. His goal is to review the basics of Krishna Consciousness philosophy so that we can apply them in our daily practicing lives.
Scroll to the bottom of the photos to view or download a pdf of the whole book Sri Sri Prapanna Jivanamritam.

[gview file=”http://sevaashram.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Sri-Sri-Prapanna-Jivanamritam1.pdf”]