Summer Kids Camp 2012
June 20-24
Dear Friends,
We humbly invite you and your family to attend this spiritually fun filled event at the Soquel Ashram. Our theme this year will be Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s Ratha Yatra Pastimes. Camp begins on Gundicha Marjana day so please bring your cleaning clothes! Camping is available. Don’t have kids? Please join in anyway. Lots of service is available and help is always appreciated.
Please let us know of your participation by June 10th so we can coordinate classes and meals accordingly.
Our schedule this year includes:
Mridanga and kartals – The glories of Tulasi Devi
Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita class – Harinam in downtown Santa Cruz
We are asking for a $50 donation to cover all costs. Sliding scale is available. Send your camp donation via Paypal by clicking here: Donate.
Please contact me at Re: Kids Camp 2012.
Thank you,
Krsna Priya Devi Dasi
Browse pictures from last year’s camp: 2011 Kids Camp Photo Gallery.

Tulasi Devi

Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita class with Srila Janardan Maharaj
- Mridanga and kartals

