This beautiful 13 minute news video captures the excitement and spiritual current that overflowed at the recent festival in Salt Lake City, Utah. It covers highlights from the grand festival inaugurating the service of Sri Sri Guru Gaurachandra at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Mission and was created by Indulekha Devi Dasi, Nrsingha Chaitanya Prabhu, Lila Sundari Devi Dasi, Krishnananda Prabhu, Shyama Sundar Prabhu, Saki Sharan Prabhu, Jonathan Kelen, and Haridas Prabhu. It was originally posted on with links to a smaller video size as well as a report on the festival from
Vrinda Devi Dasi has also posted a report and some pictures from the festival. Read article…
Inauguration Festival of Sri Sri Guru Gaurachandra-jiu, SLC, USA from on Vimeo.